Spencer County Historical Society

Meeting Notes

March 30, 2004


The president called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.

There were 13 members present.

The minutes and treasurer's report were given.

Most of the meeting concerned preparation for the Charles Brame "Living Lincoln" program to be held at the Courthouse on April 15.

A member reported that the Spencer County Fair plaque will be done in two and a half weeks.

Kathy Tretter will be the speaker for the Banquet on May 1, 2004. Her topic will be the "Keith Murder". Charles Feigel will be recognized as the Historian of the Year and Lucille Richards will be given the Commemorative Award.

A motion was made and passed to purchase a copy of "Military Review of Dubois County".

The Old Rockport Cemetery was discussed. Work on this project will be postponed until after the Banquet.

The next meeting will be April 20, 2004 at 7:00 PM.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.