By Laws
The Alumni Association

Adopted September, 2012


Article I - Name of Organization

          The name of the organization will be The Alumni Association consisting of graduates of Grandview High School (GHS), Luce Township High School (LTHS), Rockport High School (RHS) and South Spencer High School (SSHS).


Article II - Membership

Any graduate of GHS, LTHS, RHS and SSHS shall be deemed an active member upon payment of annual or lifetime membership dues to the Alumni Association.


Article III - Officers and Duties

The officers of the Alumni Association shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. These officers shall be elected at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Association. They shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee before the July meeting of the Association.

Section 1 - Term of Office

The term of all officers shall be for a maximum of two consecutive two-year terms. Terms of all officers shall begin on July 1.

Section 2 - The President

The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association, appoint committee members and shall discharge such other duties as may be assigned to the office.

Section 3 - The Vice-President

The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in case of the President's absence.

Section 4 - The Secretary

The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all general meetings of the Association and shall discharge such other duties as may be assigned to the office. Minutes of the meetings shall be kept in the Secretary's book and mailed to all Association officers.

Section 5 - The Treasurer

The Treasurer shall have charge of the finances of the Association and shall keep account of all receipts and disbursements. The Treasurer shall make a report at the regular meetings of the Association.

Section 6 - Vacancy(ies)

A vacancy among the officers shall be filled by a vote of the members at a regular or called meeting of the Association.


Article IV - Standing Committees

Section 1 - Nominating Committee

There shall be a nominating committee, consisting of a chair and three members. Members shall be subject to possible reappointment. The Nominating Committee shall recommend candidates to serve as officers of the Association. Elections of these officers shall occur at a regular scheduled meeting of the Association.

Section 2 - Membership Committee

The Membership Committee shall maintain accurate records pertaining to the members of the Association including, but not limited to, dues payments and current contact information. The Committee shall review annually the addresses of the alumni members.

Section 3 - Other Committees

Other committees shall be appointed by the President when necessary.


Article V - Finances

Section 1 - Dues

The dues for membership of the Association shall be in such amount as the officers may determine from time to time.


Article VI - Communication

Section 1 - Bulletins and Reports

Information, news items, meeting dates and other information shall be published by the Alumni Association when deemed necessary in local newspapers, radio and television and/or newsletter.


Article VII - Meetings

There shall be four meetings each year.


Article VIII - Dissolution

In the event of dissolution, all remaining moneys of the Alumni Association shall be given to the South Spencer Scholarship Association.